ANNUAL RETREAT 2024 (17th MAY TO 26th MAY)

  1. The Annual Retreat starts on Friday, 17th May, 2024, at 5.30 PM and closes with the evening meeting on Sunday, 26th May. Evening meetings at 5.30 are open to all and also on Sundays both morning and evening sessions are open to all.
  2. Please remember that, to be a resident in Beulah Gardens during the Annual Retreat, you have to be a truly born-again person. Please pray much, prepare your heart and bring the blessing of a broken spirit with you.
  3. Due to the limited accommodation at Beulah Gardens, sick people cannot be accommodated in the camp.
  4. This Retreat is not meant for children below 14 years. However, children of those in charge of centres from North India are permitted to stay in BG and these children also should be registered. For others from North India, who bring their children due to unavoidable circumstances, accommodation to that family will be provided at Caesarea Philippi inside our Beulah Garden. Evangelists and other participants from South India, who have children below 14 years, should take turns to take care of their children at home, so that each parent can attend one half of the Retreat.


Online Registration window opens on our website,, on March 18, 2024 and closes on May 1.
Online registration is mandatory for all, and no one will be allowed without prior online registration.

  1. There is no personal login required for registration.
  2. Registration forms are provided in website for individuals and one can add families in the same form. in registration form, only family members such as father, mother and children can be included. Registration form should not be used for group or team registration. Group registration or team registration by individuals is not permitted. Individuals has to use separate form for each person’s registration.
  3. Select your region by selecting the drop-down box (Andhra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Other states and Overseas). Then select your centre name from the drop-down box.
  4. Open the registration form and fill up your name, age, sex, date of conversion, qualification, occupation, your arrival date, arrival train name, departure date, mobile number and email address.
  5. Soon after you submit the registration form, it will be forwarded to your respective centre leader for review and approval.
  6. After the centre leader’s approval, registration team will upload the approved list again on the website. Confirmation SMS/email will be sent to individuals to the mobile number or email provided by them.
  7. Once registered, cancellation or change of details are not possible online by individuals. Hence care should be taken while filling up registration forms. Please Do not re-register or re-enter your detail again. However, your centre leader has the provision to edit and manage your registration.
  8. Registration team will allot accommodation and badge numbers for those who registered and badge numbers will be published on May 13 on the website. Kindly note your badge number and collect badges in person at BG Registration counter.
  9. Check-in will be done at the Registration counter on May 17 in Beulah Gardens, Sirinium Village, Red Hills, Chennai-600067, by paying a registration fee of Rs. 100 (Students: Rs.50; Day visitors: Rs.50).
  10. Once your registration is done, if anyone is unable to attend the Retreat due to unavoidable circumstances, kindly inform the registration department before May 10, 2024 by sending SMS to 9178630660 or 7995881757.
  11. Those who want to avail transport facility (bus or van) to reach BG from Central or Egmore railway stations, kindly mention the same in the registration form. Please call 94433 41980 and inform your transport requirements before May 12, 2024.
  12. Last date for online registration is May 1. Last date for centre leaders for registration approval is May 8, 2024.

Instructions to Centre Leaders

  1. Provision is made in this website for Centre In-charges to create their account by entering centre’s login ID (centre leader email address) and password to enable them to manage their centre’s registration list.
  2. If you have created your account during Student’s retreat registration, same credentials (Username mail id and password) can be used and you cannot create one more login account for your centre for May Retreat. If you have forgotten password, kindly use “forgot password” facility and create new password.
  3. Registration team will validate credentials of centre leader and enable your login account. Upon successful activation of your account, confirmation email will be sent to your email addresses along with instructions.
  4. Centre leaders should approve all registrations of his centre. Centre leaders must take utmost care to bring only converted people into the retreat.
  5. Only one unique login will be provided to each centre for both retreats.
  6. Emails or Excel registration forms are no more accepted. Hence it is mandatory to register online.

Contact information

Please contact the registration team on 9178630660 or 7995881757 or 9099067842 for any clarification or assistance for Online Registration.

You can also reach registration team on

John Daniel